Reasons for Schengen Visa Rejection

Top Reasons for Schengen Visa Rejection- 

Avoid these mistakes when apply...


Reasons for Schengen visa rejection: Applicants looking to visit one of the 27 Schengen countries should note that obtaining a Schengen visa can be a complex process, and there may be various reasons why your application could be denied. In this article, we have tried to enumerate the top Schengen visa refusal reasons for applicants to steer clear during their visa application process. Reasons for Schengen visa rejection: There could be multiple reasons for your Schengen visa refusal. From missing out on travel insurance to not showing the right funds - the Schengen visa applicant process is both complicated and daunting, to say the least. However, we have tried to mention the most common mistakes that applicants tend to make during their Schengen visa application process. And steering clear of them should enable applicants to receive their Schengen visa without much hassle. 13 Reasons for Schengen Visa Rejection Below, we will explore the top 13 reasons for Schengen visa refusal that travellers aiming to visit any of the Schengen countries may encounter:


1. Providing Inadequate

or False Documents

Among the most common grounds for Schengen visa refusal is the submission of incomplete, inaccurate, or falsified documents. This includes missing or incorrect information in the application form, counterfeit or altered supporting documents (such as bank statements or hotel reservations), or a failure to provide mandatory documents, like travel insurance. Visa denial is the inevitable consequence for individuals attempting to present fraudulent travel documents, misrepresent their identity, or use a fake identity. 2. Insufficient Financial Requirement Applicants must demonstrate their ability to financially support themselves during their Schengen visit. If the provided bank statements, pay slips, or other financial documents fall short of the minimum requirement, the visa application can be declined. Lack of or inadequate proof of means of sustenance for the duration of the Schengen visit and the return to your home country can be one of the top reasons for Schengen visa rejection.


3. No Travel Insurance


Comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and repatriation is mandatory for Schengen visa applicants. Failing to provide adequate travel insurance or presenting a policy that does not meet Schengen requirements can lead to visa rejection. Note: Applicants travelling on an Indian Diplomatic Passport are not required to have travel insurance for travel to the Schengen countries.


4. Suspicious Travel



A clear and realistic travel itinerary, including entry and exit dates, destinations, and transportation arrangements, is essential. A vague or implausible itinerary could raise doubts about the purpose of your visit and result in Schengen visa refusal.


5. No Proof of



 Applicants are required to provide confirmed hotel reservations or an invitation from a known person from the Schegan area to make their application more genuine. Applicants not being able to provide these documents during the visa application process can become one of the reasons for Schengen visa rejection.


6. Weak Ties to Home


Demonstrating strong ties to your home country, such as family, employment, property, or other commitments, is crucial to assure authorities that you will return after your Schengen visit. A failure to establish these ties can result in your Schengen visa refusal.


 7. Criminal Record or Security Concerns

 A criminal record or potential security concerns can lead to visa rejection, as Schengen countries prioritize safety and security for both residents and visitors. Past and current actions of the applicant matter significantly in the consular officer's decision.


8. Visa Violations

A history of overstaying or violating visa regulations can significantly reduce your chances of obtaining a Schengen visa. Your visa application must clearly state the purpose of your visit, whether it is for tourism, business, studying, medical treatment, or attending an event. An unclear or inconsistent explanation may lead to visa rejection. 9. Previous Visa Rejections A record of previous visa rejections, especially within a short timeframe, can raise doubts about your intentions and credibility, potentially leading to becoming one of the reasons for Schengen visa rejections


10. Damaged Passport


Presenting a passport that is not in good condition, with issues like detaching or missing pages or a damaged cover, can lead to visa rejection.


11. Passport Invalidity


Submitting a passport that does not meet specific requirements, such as having less than three months of validity remaining after the return from the Schengen Area, lacking two different blank visa pages, presenting a Travel Document Booklet instead of a valid passport, or providing a passport older than ten years, can lead to visa refusal.


12. Invalid Letter of Reference


Providing a formal letter of reference that is not properly authenticated, including lacking an original letterhead with the address and contact details of the issuing company or author, presenting a letter issued more than three months before the application date, or missing the stamp and signature of the author, can result in visa rejection.


13. Unacceptable Birth or Marriage


Reasons for Schengen Visa Rejection

Certificate Failure to provide birth or marriage certificates that are accepted by the embassy or consulate, such as lacking certificates endorsed by official authorities or failing to offer certificates in a non-English language translated by an authorized translator, can lead to visa refusal. Ensuring that your documentation meets the embassy or consulate's requirements is crucial to prevent a visa rejection. What if my Schengen visa is rejected? In the event of a Schengen visa rejection, the applicant will receive a standardized form explaining the grounds for refusal. To challenge this decision, the applicant can file an appeal within 15 days of receiving the visa refusal notice, either in person or by traditional mail (not email). The appeal must bear the original signature of the appellant, including the applicant's name, and provide reasons for believing the refusal contradicts the law. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will review the appeal within 35 days from the date the Consulate receives it. Subsequently, the Consulate will notify the applicant of the outcome of the review.


Today I am bringing you another one of the most commonly asked questions that we get.


And this question is, "What are the reasons why my Schengen Visa

applications would be refused, rejected or denied?"


Right now, this is very important because

Why It Is Important to Know the Reasons for Rejection

it's almost like going back to school, understanding what the wrong questions

or what the wrong answers to the right questions look like is sometimes more

important than understanding exactly what success looks like.

But it also helps everybody sort of have a barometer or a bit of a temperature

around what is acceptable and what's not acceptable.

Like with many things, you are able to not so much twist

the rules, but understand when there's might be like a little gray area.

And that's what we really kind of specialize in, helping

Schengen Visa applicants actually


understand exactly what they need to do and sort of where those lines are

that they can kind of push and pull in regards to their application.

So in this video,

we're going to be running through the twelve largest items

that cause a lot of these refusals or rejections, if you will.

There are a lot more, but these are the ones that we commonly

see, but also people in the industry that we talk to, they commonly see as well.

So, strap yourself in, pull up the boots and where applicable,

I'll refer to other videos and things like that as we go on.

All right. So let's jump into it.

1. Current or Past Criminal Activities

One of the first ones that I just want

to mention is and it's not applicable to too many people.

Is if you have current criminal activities or any previous legal cases or law suits

or otherwise, it does impact your ability to travel to the Schengen region.

And this is not sort of directed at people, particularly.

It is more an assessment of the Schengen region and the probability or possibility

of that criminal activity being applied within the country.

And so they're not looking at specific

individuals suggesting, hey, they're going to do it again or they're

not suited for us because of something they did 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago.

Usually the reason for this is because

people have them and they don't call them out.

And so there have been people who have got

a history in these kind of actions and they do actually get in and get a

Schengen Visa because of so long ago or it was not that important.

Or it was sort of quite a small crime.

But I do know that if you have had any

criminal activity or anything sort of tagged to you relevant to the police or otherwise,

just please include it in your application process, because the embassy does have

the ability to dive a little bit deeper into your personal profile.

And if they find out that or they deem that you've been trying to lie or been

trying to not provide them with all of the truth, it will work against you.



So this one is quite small.

But just know that depending on the scale

of activity, just try and call it out, please.


2. False Travel Documents (which is a criminal offence)


So second one that we just want to run through is falsifying travel documents.

This is probably the number one thing that frustrates me the most is

in a previous sort of conversations and videos, we talk about

where you can go and get your flights or your accommodation through a reservation

company, which is what Visas Association does as well.

And so because we go and formally communicate with the airlines,

with the hotels and get you an actual reserved ticket that is valid

for the duration of your application process so that you can go and book your

own flights, go into your own whatever you need to.

That's not a false travel document that is legitimate.

The other approach that people can take is

actually paying for the flights and accommodation 100 percent upfront.

And that, again, is not false documents.

What a false document is if you go to 80 percent of the Web

sites that are out there where they say, hey, reserve flights and reserve hotels

and they actually just make a fake reservation for you.

The reason that this is a false document is

because the embassy and consulate will go into the appropriate booking website

you have used and will literally copy

the booking reference that you get and put it into the flight company or

the organizer or the accommodation or the hotel just to see, hey,

does this ID actually match any valid booking that is under this person's name?

And so if they find out that you don't

have that, they'll obviously refuse or deny your Schengen Visa application.

Now, do note, this is a criminal activity.

Doing and applying fraudulent documents or

lying on your application is... and because it is a

Formal visa application...

It is a criminal offense.

Right, so don't do it.

Don't risk it.

Pay that little more to get a real reserved

flight or real reserved accommodation or pay for them yourself.

It doesn't matter if you use us or use someone else.

Just do not use fake flights or fake accommodations.

It is wrong and it will get you into a lot of trouble, even to the extent that they

might blacklist you and never be able to enter the Schengen region ever again.

So don't use false travel documents.



3. Insufficient Explanation or Purpose For Planned Stay Within Europe

The third one is insufficient explanation

for the purpose and circumstances of your planned stay.

So a lot of the time where people have

been refused entry and they come to Visas Association for some assistance is where

we see them not providing adequate reasoning as to why they need to travel.

Most people get like a tourism visa with multiple entry.

This is a great visa.

It is fantastic.

And it supports most of the situations of why people go into the Schengen region.

But do note that the number one question when you apply for that type of visa is

why are you not just applying for a single or a double entry?

Why your point for multiple, which is three plus entries

and what is the purpose for it?

And so what they're really looking for is

the countries that you're going to, the exact activities that you are going

to and hopefully they can get some booked activities or booked tours

to validate that you are going to go to these countries

and looking for all that kind of validation, if that makes sense.

So when you apply for one of the Schengen

Visa types, whether even be for work or business.

They just want to validate that that is

what you're doing and that's what you're going for.

So sometimes we recommend people to have tour bookings.

Like, so, for example, if you're going to Italy, book

the Colosseum tour, book the tour to wherever you're going.

Because you can attach that activity and the booking to the exact tour to say,

hey, I am going here and seeing this, this, this and this.

So if you're applying for a multiple

entry, try and have activities across three or more countries don't just say

I'm flying into Italy and I'm leaving from Italy, please give me a multiple

entry because that probably deny and refuse your entry



4. Damaged Passport


Number four is having a damaged passport.

This might sound silly,

but if you've got a rip in your passport, if you've got missing pages in your

passport or it looks like it could have been damaged.

The reason that were rejected is because

typically that is what fraudulent documents look like.

So when people are trying to travel internationally and they don't want people

to know who they are, they are trying to damage their passport

a little bit because it sort of takes the attention away from where they've

replaced a photo, replace the name or otherwise.

So if your passport is damaged, just go and get a replacement.

There is no other fix to it.

You can't put sticky tape on it.

You can't do anything.

Just go and get a new passport.



5. Passport Invalidity

Number five is passport invalidity.

What do we mean by this?

It is if you are coming back

from the Schengen region on the 30th of September,

you need to make sure that your passport is still valid for three months

beyond that.

And so even though your trip is finishing

at the end of September, you need to make sure that your passport

is going to be valid until the end of December.

And the reason for this is because a lot

of times when people travel, they have situations that they can't avoid.

So they might get sick, they might get hurt, they might have whatever.

And so what they're trying to do here is

just make sure that you can have enough time on your passport to get home,

if something bad happens and funnily

enough, this is not just the Schengen region that needs this.

If you're traveling

to any countries, it's usually three to six months validity

that you must have on your passport.

So if there is even two months and three

weeks, they're not going to negotiate with you.

They would just refuse entry.

Just going get the renewed passport and bring that into your application.

6. Lack of Proof via a Travel Itinerary

Number six is the lack of travel itinerary.

So previously for number three, we talked about the insufficient

explanation, which aligns highly to the type of visa you're getting.

This one is the lack of proof of your travel itinerary.

And I'll actually link to a video that walks through how to create your own

itinerary yourself so that you can understand exactly what you need to do.

But the lack of proof is really relevant to people going and creating a spreadsheet

or word document that says, I'm going to go from Italy to France and then Spain.

It doesn't help anybody.

Your travel itinerary needs to have a day by day breakdown.

Of where you are going to stay?

What flights are going to take and what activities are you going to do?

They are literally looking for a full

planned out activity schedule for your travel through the Schengen region.

And the reason for this is because, again, they know that you've thought about this,

they know that you're actually going to be real about it and that you're not just

trying to get to the Schengen region for another reason.

So you need to have proof, but you also need to have the detail behind it.

And the proof can just be reservations

of tours or activities, as we've spoken about prior.

7. Insufficient Means of Financial Subsistence

Number 7 is insufficient means of substance.

This is for your financials.

So if you are travelling to the Schengen

region, as we've talked about in previous video,

you must be able to pass the financial means test.

And so every single country within the Schengen region has different

financial amounts by the day that you need to have a bank account.

So, for example, they usually sit between 50 to 80 US dollars.

So if you're gonna be in Italy for call it 10 days and that's all,

you're going to be going to take 10 days and tons of by about 80.

And it requires you to have 800 U.S. dollars in a bank account.

And we even recommend everybody to increase that by 50 percent.

So in that situation that you need

to at least have 1,300 U.S. dollars in a bank account,

because what they are looking to do is say if something goes wrong, can you do X?

But also, do you have enough money to eat, live, breath, stay and travel in that country.

And so each country has got sort of different

socio-economic status, which means in some

countries are cheaper for food, cheaper for transport than other countries.

And so again, they fluctuate by country.

But, do note, all they are looking for is

to make sure that you've got enough money to travel through those countries.

And so if they see bank statements

and payslips that don't support you travelling through these countries

they will reject it and you won't be able to go.

8. Lack of Evidence and Proof of Accommodation

Number 8 is lack of presenting proof for your accommodation.

When we say this, it's if you're traveling by yourself in your application,

they need to see the hotels or the AirBnB's that you have reserved or you're

fully paid for within the application process.

If you just include a line in your cover letter saying, hey, I will book it after I

get an approved Schengen Visa, they're not going to approve it.

And really, you need to show that this whole holiday has been planned,

this whole trip has been planned, whether it be work, business study or otherwise.

And the reason that your going is this and that you can go and support it.

So, again, there are companies that help provide you with reserved hotels

and accommodation, like Visas Association, but do not use fake bookings.

Don't use fake documents at all. Always provide it.

And then every single night that you're there in the Schengen region,

provide them with proof that that is what you're going to be doing.

And we're going to be staying. And one of the last ones,


So hopefully this has given you a little bit of insight into sort of the 8 top

reasons for refusal, rejection or being denied a Schengen Visa.

Now, if this has helped you at all, or even if you've still got some

Get More Schengen Visa Information

questions, put a comment down below and ask away.

We do create these videos quite regularly.

Be more than happy to help.

Please click the "LIKE" button as well.

This really helps us get this information out to more people who are travelling

through the Schengen region that aren't able to actually find this information

because it is quite difficult to find and click the "SUBSCRIBE" button down below

as well, because the Schengen region does change their requirements quite regularly.

And so we do create videos that talk about the new changes that have been applied.

And so by clicking subscribe,

we'll let you know every single time those changes come through.

So that you don't miss anything, because if they change during your

application today, it will impact what you need to do.


So, thank you very much for joining

and hopefully this has been very

educational and is helping you through your Schengen Visa application.