Develop your emotional intelligence


How to Develop Emotional Intelligence 



What are the other types of intelligence
Logical-mathematical intelligence
Verbo-linguistic intelligence
Musical-rhythmic intelligence
bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
visual-spatial intelligence
interpersonal intelligence
intrapersonal intelligence
Naturalist-ecologist intelligence
Have a good self-awareness
Knowing how to identify your feelings
How Emotional Intelligence Develops
What are the benefits of having emotional intelligence?
Can you develop your emotional intelligence?


Emotional intelligence, what is it?


Develops emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined by an individual's ability to perceive, understand, control and express an emotion of their own and to distinguish and decode an emotion in another. This form of intelligence goes beyond traditional cognitive and intellectual abilities.


This heightened awareness of one's emotions and those of others can represent a definite advantage in collective decision-making.


What are the other types of intelligence

The intelligence quotient (IQ), which commonly represents the set of cognitive abilities (knowledge learning, speed of reasoning, conceptualization, anticipation), is not the only known form of intelligence.


There are indeed multiple forms of intelligence, there are 8 of them. Everyone has these different forms of intelligence, but the degree to which each is expressed in each individual varies:


types of intelligence

Logical-mathematical intelligence

People with logical-mathematical intelligence are logical, like to analyze and have good reasoning. They have the ability to calculate, quantify and solve problems with ease.


Verbo-linguistic intelligence

Individuals affected by this form of intelligence have the ability to play with words and more generally with language to express or grasp complex ideas. They express themselves with ease, enjoy hearing, reading and writing, they are good speakers and appreciate witticisms.


Musical-rhythmic intelligence

People with a musical-rhythmic intelligence are sensitive to sounds, timbres, rhythmic and musical structures. Music gives them emotions. Musical-rhythmic intelligence allows to recognize musical patterns, to interpret them and, in some cases, to create them.


bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

People affected by this form of intelligence have the ability to express themselves through movement to express an idea or a feeling or to carry out a given physical activity.


visual-spatial intelligence

This form of intelligence allows a great capacity for mental representation and visualization of an idea.


interpersonal intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence, also called social intelligence, allows you to interact appropriately with others. Sensitive, individuals with interpersonal intelligence understand the other, perceive their moods, their emotions, or their motivations. They are intuitive and creative.


intrapersonal intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence makes it possible to have a good awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses to create a representation of oneself that is precise and faithful to reality.


Naturalist-ecologist intelligence

The naturalist-ecologist intelligence is characterized by the capacity to appreciate, to recognize, to be sensitive to all that is related to the living and the matter.


How to recognize emotional intelligence

Conceptualized in the 1990s by two North American psychologists, Peter Salovey and Jack Mayer, a high emotional quotient is more empowered to:


Have a good self-awareness

This is about recognizing one's own emotional states and understanding the impact of one's behavior on others.


Knowing how to identify your feelings

Have the ability to identify his emotions, his feelings, his intuition and determine his needs.


Knowing how to identify your feelings

Express emotional needs

Being able to express a need to others.


Recognize the emotional state of others

A person with high emotional intelligence understands the feelings felt by others and knows how to react to them. His voice or body expression may vary depending on the interlocutor.


Showing empathy

Have the ability to put yourself in the other person's shoes, to listen to them.


Manage your emotions well

Consciously regulate them to respond to them in a healthy way.


How Emotional Intelligence Develops

While everyone has emotional intelligence, we are not all endowed with it in the same way.


Indeed, part of this emotional intelligence is innate, that is to say that we have it within us from birth. However, the education received, the experiences lived or the character shape this emotional intelligence during our psychic construction. An adult with a high emotional quotient has gone through certain phases favoring it during his childhood. Indeed, a child with a rich vocabulary, creative, enjoying reading, comfortable in the company of others will have a better chance of being endowed with great emotional intelligence in adulthood.


A link would exist between the notion of logic, open-mindedness, the richness of vocabulary, sensitivity, the spirit of analysis and deduction and the management of emotions.


What are the benefits of having emotional intelligence?

Having emotional intelligence can have a positive impact on different aspects of life. It allows in particular to have:


stronger self-confidence;

a better appreciation of their feelings, strengths or doubts;

better self-control;

stronger motivation in professional and personal life;

High social skills, allowing better communication with others.

What test to measure emotional intelligence?

Like the IQ (Intellectual Quotient) test, it is possible to measure emotional intelligence (EQ) using the EQi 2.0 (Emotional Quotient Inventory).


This test recognized by the scientific community in psychology makes it possible to measure the emotional quotient of an individual by comparing it to an established standard. Articulated around questions such as self-perception, decision-making, human relations, etc., the results obtained give an overall overview of the level of emotional intelligence.


Can you develop your emotional intelligence?

Being aware of one's emotions can influence one's decision-making and relationship with others. Emotional intelligence plays a key role in our behavior, so it is important not to neglect it.


First of all, to develop your emotional intelligence and thus learn to manage your emotions, you have to listen to them and understand them. Then you can:


try not to bury your emotions and put them into words;

try to gain perspective on things, to look at the elements from another prism, especially in a given situation or in front of a person;

trust your intuition;

turn more towards others by encouraging listening and consideration;

assume your past mistakes and take responsibility;

avoid hasty judgments.


** Tags:

MENTAL HEALTH*, types of intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, verbo-linguistic intelligence, musical-rhythmic intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, naturalistic-ecological intelligence, identifying feelings, develops intelligence emotional, developing emotional intelligence.


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