Constipation Symptoms and Causes

The constipation ; causes and remedies

Summary :

What foods to avoid in case of constipation?
What are the foods that constipated?
What juice to drink against constipation?
How do I put a seat cap on?
How to treat constipation quickly and easily?
What is the best natural laxative?
Which fruit is good for constipation?
Does chocolate constipate?

Tags :  Constipation Symptoms and Causes; foods to avoid in case of constipation; foods that constipate; what juice to drink against constipation; pass a bowel movement; treat constipation quickly; natural laxative; what fruit for constipation; constipated chocolate


Constipation Symptoms and Causes

Does chocolate constipate

The answer is no, chocolate does not constipate . Consumption of chocolate cannot possibly be the cause of constipation because it has a relatively high rate of fiber depending on its cocoa content.


What foods to avoid in case of constipation?

We will then avoid:

too tough raw vegetables,

Cooked meats,

moldy or fermented cheeses,

frozen foods ,


foods that are too irritating, exciting (sodas),

foods that cause intestinal fermentation,

white rice, potatoes, white bread,


What are the foods that constipate?

What are the foods that constipate?

7 constipating foods - to limit and if possible avoid

White rice. White rice, unlike brown rice, does not contain enough fiber. ...

Red meat. ...

Potato. ...

Pastries. ...

Sweet and carbonated drinks. ...

Bananas (unripe) ...

Cooked carrots.


Which fruit is good for constipation?

Foods to eat

Plums, passion fruit , kiwi, raspberry, blackberry, currant, guava, grape, fresh walnuts and hazelnuts, orange are recommended unlike bananas which are not indicated.


What is the best natural laxative?

What is the best natural laxative?

The most famous of the natural laxatives , the prune

In addition to its high fiber content (25% of daily intake for eight prunes), Agen prune contains dihydroxyphenylisatin, a substance that stimulates intestinal contractions, as well as sorbitol and phenolic compounds that have a laxative effect.


How to treat constipation quickly and easily?

Advice. - Adopt a diet rich in fiber: fruits, vegetables, cooked or raw, whole grains, bran. Limit chocolate, rice, carrots. Drink 1.5L of drink per day in addition to water during the meal.


How to treat constipation quickly and easily?

What juice to drink against constipation?

Anti- constipation advice: drink fresh citrus juice on an empty stomach. Citrus juices (orange, grapefruit…) are excellent natural laxatives.


How do I put a seat cap on?

What treatments? Taken in time, a simple enema softens the stool to evacuate the fecaloma by natural means. Left untreated, faecal infection can lead to intestinal obstruction, which requires urgent surgery.


Help us answer other questions about constipation:


Can Bananas Constipate?


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 What juice to drink against constipation?
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How to make a natural laxative?


What is the most effective laxative?


When constipation becomes dangerous?


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What juice to drink against constipation?

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