The rules to improve your well-being
What are
the causes of lack of balance?
How to regain your physical balance?
How to
stimulate the secretion of endorphin?
What is Emotional
What is the relationship between
nutrition and wellness?
Advice for
your well-being
solutions to find your inner balance
How to stimulate well-being hormones?
The rules to
improve your well-being
causes of lack of balance; physical balance; secretion of endorphin; Emotional
Well-being: nutrition ; wellness; well-being; inner balance; well-being hormones; rules well-being;
improve your well-being
What is well-being?
Well-being is a state that we all seek to achieve more or less; it is directly linked, in different proportions depending on the individual, to several factors in our personal life.
First of all our pleasure of course, our health, our comfort, our material success, to self-realization, and finally to harmony with oneself, other individuals and our environment.
We can differentiate between physical well-being and psychological well-being.
Physical well-being refers to good general physiological health and the satisfaction of basic needs of the body.Psychological well-being is a more subjective personal component.
This distinction reminds us of the still current Latin motto “Mens sana in corpore sano”, to us who aspire to well-being, during more rational or just the first stage of access to happiness.
It is therefore necessary to take advantage of the levers available to take care of one's health, and improve one's mind and quality of life.
Because if certain factors are difficult to control, such as social success for example or the success of a romantic relationship, others are quite within our reach:
Take care of our health by paying attention to our nutrition, our sleep and our place of life.
Advice for your well-being
Eat well. Eat balanced, vary the pleasures and contributions. ...
Sleep well. Organize yourself so that you can go to bed earlier and in good conditions. ...
To move. ...
To breathe. ...
Regain confidence and relax. ...
Maintain a balance between private life and work. ...
The rules to improve your well-being
Rule # 1: Live in the moment. ...
Rule # 2: Be responsible. ...
Rule # 3: Believe in yourself. ...
Rule # 4: Do not let stress undermine your goals - good.
What is the relationship between nutrition and wellness?
The links between nutrition and health are increasingly better understood, and the risk of developing many diseases - cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity or even type 2 diabetes - can be reduced by following national nutritional recommendations.
What is Emotional Well-being?
We can define emotional well - being as a state of harmony between positive and negative emotions, where the presence of positive emotions, such as joy, gratitude or serenity, takes precedence over the presence of negative emotions, like fear, anxiety, anger or sadness.
How to stimulate well-being hormones?
The desire to be happy 6 ways to stimulate the hormones for good -...
To be screwed up. Laughter is serious. ...
Drink green tea. Green tea has been cultivated for millennia for its medicinal properties. ...
Fill up on light. ...
See his friends. ...
Open your chakras. ...
Say hello to carbs.
Shrink's solutions to find your inner balance
Leave your posture of judgment ”
Don't be afraid of falling ”
Experiment and listen to yourself ”
Be aware of what we are going through ”
Recognize its contradictions ”
Knowing how to question oneself, to question oneself
How to stimulate the secretion of endorphin?
Foods that release of endorphin
This is the case with dark chocolate (the higher its cocoa content, the greater the secretion), strawberries, oranges, spicy dishes, nuts and seeds, and grapes.
How to regain your physical balance?
Stand on one foot and keep this position for the first time with your eyes open and then your eyes closed. If you hold less than 20 seconds in static balance , it means that you have to work on your posture maintenance.
What are the causes of lack of balance?
Other possible causes : Balance disturbances and dizziness may be due to migraine, hypotension, nerve compression, muscle disturbances, alcohol and drug use, motion sickness, or certain medications. (neuroleptics, antidepressants, antiepileptics, etc.)