SOYBEANS: Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions ...
The soybeans is produced from whole seeds. Tonyu is a drink also made from crushed, filtered
and cooked seeds. Crude soybean oil contains lecithins, whose emulsifying power
is exploited for pastries, chocolates, margarines ... Rich in essential fatty
acids, refined soybean oil is mainly used by the food industry. In addition,
soy protein is used in the manufacture of many food products.
Overview:soybeans; uses of soybeans, side effects of soybeans, precautions of soybeans, interactions of soybeans; negative effects of soy sauce; benefits of soybeans; risks of soybeans
Contribution of vegetable proteins of good biological value.
Contribution of essential amino acids.
Prevention of osteoporosis.
Random decrease in menopause symptoms (inconstant).
Decrease in blood cholesterol.
Allergic risk.
Calcium deficiency.
Aggravation of hypothyroidism.
Inactivation of certain treatments.
Malformation risk (gestation, lactation, infant).
In practice, it is advisable to limit yourself to one consumption of one soy product per day for adults, and to avoid any regular consumption for infants.
Beneficial effect on cholesterol
Due to their composition, soy-based foods (see our food sheet) are rich in fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
They thus help to regulate the lipid balance favorably, promoting the drop in cholesterol. The decrease in triglycerides remains more uncertain.
Decreased cardiovascular risk
Soy isoflavones seem to have a favorable effect on the blood vessels. They strengthen their tone, with a consequent reduction in cardiovascular risk. This beneficial effect would only occur for an already substantial consumption (of the order of 45 to 55 mg / day of Genistein). Higher doses have not been shown to be safe. Improving lipid balance also helps reduce cardiovascular risk.
Prevention of osteoporosis
Soy isoflavones have a protective action against bone capital, limiting bone resorption. At the same time, the calcium intake must be satisfactory.
Allergic risk of soy on health!
Among the dietary risks, we find the possibility of allergic reactions to soya, vis-à-vis certain proteins. This risk justifies being particularly careful in the event of predisposing allergic conditions.
Ostrogenic hormonal effects, what toxicity of soybeans on health?
The isoflavones present in soy products have the particularity of binding to estrogen receptors (bones, brain, genitals) to modulate hormonal reactions. These estrogenic hormonal effects are evoked to replace hormonal deficiency after menopause, thus making it possible to reduce the symptoms of hot flashes ...
This hypothesis remains uncertain. But these estrogenic effects are not without consequence, in particular in certain populations: gestation, lactation, and early childhood (<3 years) correspond to periods particularly sensitive to phytoestrogens, coinciding with strong cell growth and development. early sex organs (causing malformation, fertility abnormality).
Soy juice (which is not a milk), as well as all soy-based food preparations or nutritional supplements, are strongly discouraged for pregnant women and children under 3 years old, due to the presence of isoflavones sometimes in high concentration.
Soybean Thyroid Gland Effects
The excessive consumption of soy is also likely to imbalance hormonal treatments in case of hypothyroidism. It creates an increased need for Thyroxine, and often requires increasing the doses of treatment. It is therefore advisable to exclude any soy product in people with hypothyroidism, whether treated or not.
What contributions are recommended in practice?
Soy products are not without danger to health. Their consumption is not recommended in children under 3 years old and pregnant women, and should not exceed in adults the dose of 1 mg / kg of body weight in isoflavone aglycan, if we refer to the opinion of scientists.
In practice, it is advisable to limit yourself to one consumption of one soy product per day for adults. It should be avoided any regular consumption in infants (especially in the form of juice). For these same reasons, dietary supplements containing soy are not recommended.
Better tolerance of soy among Asians?
The "defenders" of soy take as a model the Asian population, which because of their eating habits consume 10 times greater amounts of isoflavones than in our Western populations, without altering their state of health (quite the contrary!).
The explanation for this high level of tolerance is still poorly understood. Certain authors evoke in these Asian populations, a different metabolism (absorption, transformation…) leading to lower circulating rates in view of the quantities consumed. The high consumption of dietary fibers from the Asian diet would condition the intestinal absorption and the transformation of isoflavones to improve their tolerance. Moreover, a genetic origin is not excluded.
Unverified Soy Health Claims?
The protective effects of soy against cellular aging and the degradation of cognitive functions remain to be demonstrated. In fact, they do not come under any scientific proof, in the current state of knowledge. The beneficial effects on reducing the prevalence of breast, prostate and endometrial cancers remain contradictory.
What are the negative effects of soy sauce
When we think of Chinese or Asian cuisine, the first thing that comes to mind is Soy Sauce. Soy Sauce has been used by these cultures for close to 2,500 years. It is made from soybeans, grains, salt and water.
Traditional soy sauce is made from a fermenting process in which yeast is used, and fermented under the sun in a giant urn.
Today, there is always the need to reduce costs to increase profits. In turn, many producers close their soy sauce with machines.
Of course when profits are at stake, there has to be cheaper ingredients. In turn, these manufacturers aren't using soybean, instead are using hydrolyzed soy protein. When soy sauce is made in this fashion, it does not contain naturally the color it should; therefore caramel colors need to be added to make the consumer believe that they are in fact eating "real" soy sauce.
Commercially produced soy sauces aren't as good for you as their counterpart. These soy sauces contain 3-MCDP chloropropanols. This chemical is a carcinogen, and doesn't have to be added to soy sauce.
In addition to cancer causing additive, soy sauce contains almost 50% of your daily allowance of sodium. Though many people don't eat this product in abundance, overeating anything that contains this amount of salt is hazardous to your health. It can contribute to many conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure.
Other than the salt and chloropropanols 3-MCDP, soy sauce really has no nutritional value. It is nothing more than an item that provides flavor and little else. Even though this item is derived from soy, it does not contain any of the isoflavones that are in such items as tofu.
Real, Chinese soy sauce however, contains a high amount of antioxidants, which in turn can prevent conditions such as cardiovascular diseases and is high in lactic acid bacteria which has anti-allergic potential.
The ingestion of soy sauce does not need to be avoided by everyone, just those on a low sodium diet and those with soy or wheat allergies, gluten intolerance or Celiac disease.
Soy sauce is nothing more than a condiment, if it is not needed in your food, it is best to avoid it because of the high sodium content.
Many people don't 'take into consideration the amount of sodium in other foods that they eat in the particular day, which can be overwhelming on the body and result in water retention.
Make wise decisions and eat everything and anything in moderation. Moderation is the key to healthy eating, and living.