Benefits and side effects of folic acid

An overview of the benefits of folic acid / vitamin B9

B9 Not just for the pregnant

Why am I deficient in vitamin B9?
Where is folic acid found?
Which food contains the most vitamin B9?
What food contains acid?
How do you know if you are low on folic acid?
What are the side effects of folic acid?
How do you know if you are lacking vitamins?
When to take your folic acid morning or evening?
When to take folic acid during pregnancy?
What folic acid to get pregnant?
When does folic acid work?
Does it matter if you haven't taken folic acid?

Tags: deficient in vitamin B9; Where is folic acid found; food contains vitamin B9; low on folic acid; side effects of folic acid; lacking vitamins; folic acid during pregnancy; folic acid to get pregnant;  haven't taken folic acid

Benefits and side effects of folic acid

Folic acid is one of the nutrients that we all know we need, but we always don't know why or what it does. Folic acid or folate is necessary for production of new cells. It also helps to maintain these cells.

Folic acid is more important for children and pregnant women to consume because this nutrient is responsible for the growth of children. Children grow rapidly, so is important to make sure that they are receiving the proper amounts.

A pregnant women who does consume enough folate, may have a child who has congenital deformities such and neural tube defect. It is also responsible for cleft palates. Pregnant women should receive between 600-800 micrograms of folate, which is about twice of what it would be for a non-pregnant woman.

Though it has been shown that it is necessary for women, especially those who are pregnant to consume proper amounts of folic acids, new research has show that it is beneficial for men who plan on fathering child to receive the proper amounts as well. This also reduces the risk of abnormalities.

Folic acid is also known to correct anemia that has result from a vitamin B12 deficiency. Even though it will correct it, it will not correct any issues that have resulted from such a deficiency. However, the intake of too much folic acid can cover up a b12 deficiency.

Which food contains the most vitamin ?

In studies, it has been found that too much folic acid with vitamin B12 may increase the risk of cardiovascular related illnesses. On the other hand, another study shows that 5 milligrams of folic acid per day reduced pulse pressure, and that it reduces the stiffness in large arteries and may reduce your risk of isolated systolic hypertension.

Because hypertension is a key risk factor for stroke, folic acid shows signs that it may help reduce the risk of stroke, but more studies need to be done to prove or disprove this claim.

On top of this, there is talk on whether or not folate helps cancer. Some studies indicate that higher levels of folate reduce the risk of certain cancers, but could be the opposite for those who already have different cancers. More research needs to be done on this subject as well.

Folic acid can also be obtained from foods that are fortified. Read the packaging to be sure you are eating something that has been fortified with folic acid.

Of course, before you decide to increase or decrease the amount of folic acid, or any nutrient for that matter, from your diet, discuss it with you physician first. The last thing you want to be doing is depriving you body of the essentials.

Why take folic acid before you get pregnant as Cellular renewal

Why take folic acid before you get pregnant as Cellular renewal

Vitamin B9 ( folic acid ) plays an important role in protein metabolism and in DNA production. Folic acid is involved in the production of rapidly renewing cells such as white and red blood cells, skin cells, etc.

What is the role of folic acid?

Folic acid or vitamin B9 has an essential role in the production of genetic material (DNA, RNA) and amino acids necessary for cell growth which explains its essential character during the different phases of life.


Why prescribe folic acid?

Folic acid is prescribed systematically for all women of childbearing age who want to become pregnant, or to compensate for insufficient intake and to treat anemia.


Where is folic acid found in food?

The foods richest in vitamin B9 are animal livers, dried nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, etc.), green vegetables (spinach, salads, sorrel, etc.), certain cheeses, chestnuts, melon and eggs.


What are the symptoms of vitamin B9 deficiency?

Vitamin B9 deficiency leads to diarrhea, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Inflammation of the tongue (glossitis), headache, heart palpitations, irritability, and mood swings may also occur.

What time of day to take folic acid?

It is generally more effective to take vitamins in the morning, especially for poly-vitamins, knowing that there are sometimes also interactions for example between calcium and iron where it is in your best interest not to take both at the same time.


When and how to take folic acid

When should you start taking folic acid ? In France, the National College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (CNGOF) recommends supplementation in the form of tablets to be started, ideally, three months before conception and to continue during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Is it compulsory to take folic acid?

Health professionals must: Encourage women of childbearing age to consume foods rich in folic acid or vitamin B9: leafy green vegetables, pulses, citrus fruits, etc. For women at high risk: supplement them as soon as they are pregnancy is planned, 5 mg per day of folic acid

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