The Physical and Mental Health Consequences ofChronic Fatigue Syndrome
The symptoms ofChronic Fatigue Syndrome overlap with
those of severe psychiatric disorders. Most of the depressed patients have
substantial fatigue and for some others it is the most distressing part of the
illness. But it is not clear about the role of psychiatric disorder inChronic
Fatigue Syndrome . Patients who are affected psychologically is due to the
physical illness but it does not shows the higher rates of psychiatric disorder
found inChronic Fatigue Syndrome compare to that of other chronic
The role of psychological problems inChronic Fatigue Syndrome is controversial
as most of the people withChronic Fatigue Syndrome are diagnosed with
depression and other psychological disorders. But majority of people withChronic
Fatigue Syndrome did not experience any psychological disorders before gettingChronic
Fatigue Syndrome . According to doctors, patients are becoming depressed or
anxious because of the effect of the symptoms of theirChronic Fatigue Syndrome and
one of the recent study shows that depression was the result of the illness not
the cause of the illness.
Most of the young people with chronic fatigue syndrome will be frustrated,
isolated and depressed and also lose his/her confidence as the patients cannot
do work easily as they have done it before. Those who are ill will find it
difficult to keep the friendships and may go behind in school work.
If some one in the family is experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome
can cause stress in the family. Most of the members do not recognize
the child’s illness as a genuine one and won’t extend their support to them. So
it is important to lead the life of the family as normal as possible by
fulfilling the need of the person with chronic fatigue syndrome.
People withChronic Fatigue Syndrome have to learn how to tackle with the
problem by learning how much they can do their work without becoming tired. It
is better to plan things or keep a diary of activities and its effects on you
which help you to know the reason of the illness. Once a person is diagnosed
withChronic Fatigue Syndrome , they have to be encouraged to become active and
the family has to extend support to them by giving them adequate rest. The
situation may also become worse with too much of bed rest.
The major problem ofChronic Fatigue Syndrome is that the symptoms are
common to a varied number of illnesses. So it is vital to get medical advice
for the treatment ofChronic Fatigue Syndrome and also to make sure of the
illness. The child withChronic Fatigue Syndrome should be encouraged for taking
decision about his health as well as to keep contact with friends and also to
maintain as much as schooling as long as the child can manage it.
To avoid the pressure of schooling, take the option of flexible or shorter
school hours. Discuss the problem with the principal, class teacher, year level
coordinator or counselor which can be helpful. Special consideration is needed
to some children to manage school by changing their workload if they are very
much ill.
Children and young people suffer from a depressed mood because ofChronic
Fatigue Syndrome . Keep in touch with their friends in order to
support them and other local support groups who have experiencedChronic Fatigue
Syndrome also can be helpful. A balanced and nourished diet is important.
During the recovery fromChronic Fatigue Syndrome there may be setbacks
especially when the child or the person is stressed or infected with another
illness. In case of any diseases,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome person will take
longer time to get over from those viruses such as cold. The child or the young
person should not be isolated asChronic Fatigue Syndrome is not contagious.
The illness affects every person differently and can result in major
interruption to education, social, physical and emotional well being for months
or years. Careful management of rest and activity is important as the illness
can fluctuate from time to time.
A range of nutritional products are there to detoxify the body, for
rebuilding the ability of the body to absorb nutrition, gives nutrition to the
body it need and can use at a cellular level so that it is supported to heal
itself naturally.
Psychological Effects Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
The symptoms ofChronic Fatigue Syndrome overlap with those of severe psychiatric disorders. Most of the depressed patients have substantial fatigue and for some others it is the most distressing part of the illness. But it is not clear about the role of psychiatric disorder inChronic Fatigue Syndrome . Patients who are affected psychologically is due to the physical illness but it does not shows the higher rates of psychiatric disorder found inChronic Fatigue Syndrome compare to that of other chronic illness.
The role of psychological problems inChronic Fatigue Syndrome is
controversial as most of the people withChronic Fatigue Syndrome are diagnosed
with depression and other psychological disorders. But majority of people withChronic
Fatigue Syndrome did not experience any psychological disorders before gettingChronic
Fatigue Syndrome . According to doctors, patients are becoming depressed or
anxious because of the effect of the symptoms of theirChronic Fatigue Syndrome and
one of the recent study shows that depression was the result of the illness not
the cause of the illness.
The psychological symptoms which can be found in child or young people are
getting depressed, irritable, anxious, difficulty to sleep, lose interest in
food, difficulty in concentrating or remembering things, extremely tired and
getting headaches. These symptoms make the life of a child unbearable to carry
out their usual activities, go and see their friends and to carry out their
hobbies. Young people also will become mentally upset due to prolonged bed rest
or by not working for a long time.
This idle life causes rapid muscle loss even in healthy people and these
complications make the recovery more difficult. Adverse events in life also
will develop acute fatigue and subsequently become chronic. Most patients are
experiencing difficulties with various neuropsychological functions like
memory, attention and concentration.
The mental strain can be felt by every member of the family. You have to
provide time to nurse the sick child and the siblings may feel that they are
neglected. Sometimes even parents cannot understand that the child is ill or
just seeking attention.
Diagnosis ofChronic Fatigue Syndrome is difficult because the in early
stage the illness cannot be identified and this may upset the child as no one
believes that they are ill. To continue the relationships will become difficult
both at home and school.
Doctor can recommend the child to a pediatrician or a child psychiatrist
for treatment. The problems at school can be solved by the school nurse and the
psychologist. For a good recovery complete support and encouragement of the
family and friends are necessary to cope with this illness.
Counseling of family or the individual can help to overcome depression,
anxiety, lack of confidence, poor motivation or family and relationship
problems. Careers can be stressful but you have to be patient, determined and
So what can you do about your Chronic fatigue Syndrome?
One of the most common self care remedies is to rest and learn to reduce
and manage your stress levels. However, this is almost impossible to achieve in
our busy lives today.
And all of us have to keep working to earn a living, so taking a year off
from work to rest and recover is not really an option for most of us. Another
strategy is to build up your strength and immunity levels by improving your
diet and nutrition. But when you are feeling sick you do not feel like eating
the huge amounts of fresh organic fruit and vegetables that this would require.
But do not worry, whatever may be your level of chronic fatigue, it has
been observed that taking quality dietary supplements and use of chronic
fatigue herbs can help to improve the health and energy levels of the
sufferer. This is the simplest and fastest way to improve your
health and start on your road to recovery and fully enjoying your life again.
You should learn more about natural chronic fatigue herbs and drinks
including Herbal Aloe drink which is a marvelous blend of juice and herbs which
seems to heal everything it touches.
Nutritional supplements and Herbal Teas can play an important role in your
chronic fatigue recovery program. Chronic fatigue herbs can help
stimulate a person's immune system, glands, and digestive tract, and they can
help stabilize and relax your mood. Natural nutrition products will
detoxify the body, rebuild the body’s ability to absorb nutrition and also give
the nutrition needed for the body and can use at a cellular level to help your
body heal itself of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome health problems.