Nutrition may help fight prostate cancer
Nutrition may help fight prostate cancer. Through research I have discovered that nutrition can slow or inhibit the growth of my prostate cancer.
Nutrition may help fight prostate cancer. Through research I have discovered that nutrition can slow or inhibit the growth of my prostate cancer. Nutrition can also strengthen my immune system. While many different food groups are beneficial, some food groups have actually been associated with causing prostate cancer.
Studies suggest
that variation in diet and lifestyle may account for the inconsistent rates of
prostate cancer around the world. The county of Qidong in China has the lowest
recorded incidence rate, 0.5 per 100,000 men. By comparison, Sweden has a rate
of 55.3 per 100,000 men and the U.S. has a rate of 102.1 per 100,000 men
(Parkin, 1997).
Several recent research studies into the cancer-fighting activity of natural substances within soy, tea, garlic, grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, and chocolate appear to hold promise. In contrast, several studies have found an association between prostate cancer and dietary fat in substances such as red meat, vegetable oil and dairy products.
There may be a
relationship between the consumption of soyfoods and decreased risk for
prostate cancer. Although tofu, soymilk and soycheese are among the most common
soy foods, soy product manufactures are finding many tasty ways to replace the
meat in your diet with soy meat alternatives (History of the Soybean, 1999).
The isoflavones
genistein and daidzein found in soy protein are receiving most of the attention
by the research organizations. Several research facilities are currently
evaluating the effects of isoflavones on various types of cancer (Soy and the
Prevention and Treatment of Cancer, 1999).
According to
Chinese legend, green tea was discovered over 4,000 years ago. Since then,
traditional Chinese medicine has recommended green tea for several health
related problems including cancer. Modern research has confirmed many of these
health benefits. Potent antioxidants called polyphenols found in green tea are
believed to be responsible in blocking the formation of cancer-causing
compounds such as nitrosamines, suppressing the activation of carcinogens, and
detoxifying or trapping cancer causing agents (Herb Information, 1999).
The University of
Texas Center for Alternative Medicine Research (1999), states Garlic has been
shown to have the ability to lower blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and to
aid in digestion. It also stimulates the immune system and is a natural
antibiotic and antioxidant. Eating garlic regularly may also reduce the risk of
Raw garlic is highest in beneficial activity, and can be taken daily. The substance related to garlic’s medicinal qualities is also the same substance that produces garlic’s distinctive scent. The odor loses some intensity when cooked, and the longer garlic is cooked the less effective it is as a therapy (Garlic Summary, 1999).
A substance, known
as resveratrol (pronounced rez-VER-a-trawl), is one of a group of compounds
(called phytoalexins) found in the skin of red grapes (Resveratrol in Grapes
Fights Cancer, 1997).
A group of scientists led by Dr. John Pezzuto
described how resveratrol prevents cancer in test tubes and in animals. Their
preliminary tests showed that resveratrol may interfere with the development of
cancer in three different ways: by blocking the action of cancer-causing
agents, by inhibiting the development and growth of tumors, and by causing
precancerous cells to revert to normal ("Friends for Life" Health
Bulletin, 1997). My medical oncologist recommends a daily consumption between ½
and 1 cup of fresh red seedless grapes everyday.
Most people eat
strawberries just because they taste great. Substances within those delicious
red berries have been connected to cancer prevention. One such substance is
ellagic acid. Being a complex molecule demonstrating a variety of
anticarcinogenic activities, ellagic acid is receiving a multitude of
well-deserved attention from research organizations (Carcinogenesis, 1996).
Although it's not yet known how much ellagic acid must be consumed to produce
beneficial effects, many prostate cancer doctors recommend strawberries in your
daily diet. In fact, Dr. Stephen Strum of the Prostate Cancer Research Center
located in Los Angeles, CA. advises a serving of ½ cup sliced, per day (Strum,
How do you like your tomatoes? Lycopene, a key substance in tomatoes, is more easily absorbed when the tomatoes are cooked and a small amount of olive oil is added to increase solubility (Barken, 1999). Lycopene is a proven anti-oxidant that may lower the risk of certain diseases including cancer and heart disease (Lycopene: The Facts, 1998). Tests in the laboratory have suggested that processed tomato products contain greater amounts of lycopene than raw tomatoes (Processed Tomato Products a Good Source of Lycopene, 1999).
In a study
by Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, the diets of
more than 47,000 men were studied. The tomato products showed a reduced
prostate cancer risk. As consumption of tomato products increased, levels of
lycopene in the blood increased, and the risk for prostate cancer decreased
(Lycopene: The Facts, 1998). Many medical oncologists recommend 8 to 10
servings per week.
A search of the
Internet on chocolate revealed some information guaranteed to put a smile on
the faces of chocoholics. Studies have shown that on a weight basis, the
polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant, in milk chocolate is higher than in red wines
and black or green teas. It is 20 times higher than in tomatoes, 2 times higher
than in garlic, and over 3 times higher than in grapes. Dark chocolate provides
more than twice the level of polyphenols as milk chocolate per serving, and
white chocolate has no antioxidant content (Is Candy Dandy For Your Heart?,
Cocoa butter
contains a fatty acid called stearic acid. In the lab dish stearic acid kills
prostate cancer cells, but fat free cocoa does not. It is imperative to use
only chocolate made without milk or milk fat. The squares of "bakers
chocolate" contain cocoa butter, and therefore stearic acid. Several
companies, like Ghirardelli and Lindt, make a dark chocolate candy bar that
contains cocoa butter without milk or milk fat. Dark chocolate chips from
Ghirardelli and Chatfield's, contain cocoa butter, and both firms offer a dairy
free version (Barken, 1999). After sampling many different sources, I prefer my
dark chocolate in the form of candy bars from Lindt and Ghirardelli. At a serving
of one ounce a day, this medicine is not hard to take.
Before you
bite into that big, juicy burger, chew on this for a minute: A study in the
Journal of the American Medical Association indicates a possible link between
eating red meat and some forms of cancer (Halsey, April 1996, p 1).
Men with the
highest amount of fat in their diets from pork, beef or lamb have a 79 percent
greater risk of advanced prostate cancer than men with the lowest amounts (The
Role of Red Meat in Prostate Cancer, 1998).
The sources of
animal fat with the highest correlation of prostate cancer deaths were bacon,
butter, mayonnaise, creamy salad dressings, beef, pork, and lamb. The Health
Professionals Follow-up Study findings were confirmed in the Physician's Health
Study as well. These studies have encouraged scientists to reexamine the role
of fat in prostate cancer in a much more direct fashion. In radical
prostatectomy specimens, tumor tissue consumes the fatty acid, arachidonic
acid, ten times faster than surrounding normal prostate. Arachidonic acid is
present in meat. Other studies have shown that arachidonic acid stimulates the
growth of prostate cancer cells and enhances its ability to invade and spread
(Myers, 1996, p 1).
acid (ALA), a fatty acid, causes prostate cancer cells to thrive and reproduce
at a greater rate. What does this mean for patients concerned about their daily
diet? All polyunsaturated oils are high in ALA or arachidonate precursors. To
reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer, avoid flaxseed, canola, soybean,
safflower, corn, cottonseed and peanut oil, as well as margarine and
mayonnaise. The monounsaturated coconut, palm and olive oils are low in
"bad" ALA and arachidonate precursors, but only olive oil is not
considered bad for the heart (Barken, 1999).
Yes. This has
become a great deal of information to digest in one essay. But, when my life
depends on minimizing the risk of prostate cancer’s ability to thrive and
spread through nutrition, an issue like this gets my full attention.
Disclaimers were
prevalent in virtually every source cited. The main concern centers on the fact
that no definitive results have been established. As a result, caution is the
advice given by the sources cited when implementing any of the nutritional
From my personal
experience over the past 18 months, my battle with the beast at this juncture
is in my favor. I believe this can be attributed to my meticulous adherence to
the nutritional guidelines I have researched.