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Chinese living in urban breathe healthy air in accordance with European standards. Pollution concerns the first domestic flights, 80% of the Chinese using solid fuel, type coal or wood, often poorly ventilated space heating purposes. On the outside air, a major pollutant consists of dioxide of suffers and particles, whose average concentrating in Beijing is 3.5 times greater than the value, as dangerous by the European Union. Were Chinese which Taiyuan, the largest in 1998, 7 of the 10 most polluted cities in the world on air quality (1Ära) (Shanxi province) and Beijing (3th). While 50% of the respondents, 88, Chinese cities surpassed standards carbon dioxide in 1995 by the Weltgesundheitsorganisationdefiniert, exceeded 85 87 widely the standards for particulate matter. The explosion of the number of vehicles increased from 18 million in 2001 to 148 million $ in April 2007 (an increase recorded in the year 2007 by 22% of the number of vehicles) seriously exacerbated air pollution in carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from and creates important phenomena of the fog of pollution in the cities. The direct result of proven air pollution is the effects of acid rain on Chinese territory, especially in the Centre and South to its limits. The Japan point of view as also by the winds more than 50% acid rain that he suffers from Chinese neighbors. Acid rain make gradual barren lands and the pH of the fragile ecosystems which threatened, that fall in the year 2003, for the single province of Jiangxi, losses as a result of acid rain at $950 million estimated gross domestic product (GDP). The purely environmental consequences exceeds excitatory State of the environment in China concern and caused major problems in the public health or self-sufficiency, for example in fact generate forms social instability. This leads therefore very naturally to to look at the second part of the triptych of sustainable development: the social field. The geography of China of China, with 9 600 000 km2 land, it is the third in the world, behind the Russian Federation and the Canada. The coast extends over more than 18 000 km. More than 5,000 islands have acquired more than 160 outstanding gulfs and hundreds of kilometres of coast in deep water an area larger than China has 500 square kilometers. its banks on a little more than 14 000 lines km. along its coast, for the construction of ports, to develop maritime transport. The topography is a contradiction between the West and North, trained in mountainous continental Highlands, deserts and forests and on the other hand in the East and South Hills, fertile plains and rivers marked by more wet, full. Growing regions is located in the East, Centre and South of the country, while in the Northwest, and meadows occupies the large West of steppes and deserts. It is a mountainous country: 5 / 6 of the country are more than 500 m above sea level. Can split terrain in three levels: the first, "the roof of the world", is the Qinghai Tibetan plateau, formed plateaus, ranging from 5 000 to 6 000 m height on average. The second level to 1,500 m above sea level on average results from domestic Mongolia in Yunnan-Guizhou Highlands and the plateau of the high yellow and the Tarim basin and Sichuan. The third level extends to the sea, falling hills or mountains low, with the northern plain, the level of medium and low of the Yangtze River and each course of the coast. There are two major rivers in China. The Yangtze or Yangtze River, is the largest of two. With a total length of 6 300 km, it is the third in the world after the Amazon and the Nile. It has its sources on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and it marks the symbolic boundary between North, field, wheat, millet and millet, and in the South, cotton, silk and rice. Its basin is one of the more populated areas of China. It is navigable for over 3 000 km and leads through three major cities: Chongqing, Wuhan and Nanjing North of Shanghai flows. The Yellow River (Huanghe) is one of the symbols of the Chinese culture. There are 5 464 km long and it is so called because of the loess, which leads it in its middle course. It passes through nine provinces in dry, step by step, and is sometimes not always to the Ocean during the summer. It is important for the fertility of his slick, but it can be devastating in their future relations, changed course has several times to sometimes to the North, as you currently, sometimes in the South of the peninsula Shandong. It breaks its dykes regularly caused hundreds of deaths and the loss of millions of hectares of arable land. China takes a central position in the continent, which isolated the difference East Japan or limited in the North of Russia. In annex 1 are the world map of Asia. This position makes it possible to influence or simply by their economic weight of other countries. This position is also a source of weakness. China is in contact with land and sea borders with 19 countries (including Taiwan). China of a stable Entourage still needs economic growth. Pragmatic solution many border conflicts, also with some ideological renunciation, is inevitable. The demographics of China China exceeded 1 300 000 000 inhabitants, as estimated by the Organization of the United Nations (UN) in 2005. This figure is his immense and progression which has reached the world. In 1949, when the basis for the People's Republic of China was 540 million population, she had reached thirty years later, the number of 800 million in 1979. The policy of a child, set up by Deng Xiao ping, has really reduced the number of births.China is the world's most populous country. This rule will continue until the year 2050, if behind the peak in the year 2025, China begins to reduce a population and to be crossed by the Indian. China must then a population in addition to the developed world, but unbalanced, the fact of aging and longevity. In the year 2050 38.2% of China's population will be over 60 years. This can result in problems of economic growth and social tensions. China's economy today is also appropriate, the performance of a country in military terms, but in economic terms. Globalization has promoted the Exchange and the interdependence of Nations. It is one of the most important factors of economic growth of China, which will be 21st century globalization. The economy is planning year, strictly regulated typical of a Communist regime. According to the forecasts of the eleventh five-year plan - for the period 2006-2010 and ratified during the Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in March 2006 - gross national product (GNP) of People's Republic of China, who was 2 of 225 billion dollars that double and come with 4 000 billion by 2020, support continues to national growth. Even if object of the five-year planning, appear this objective forecast by RPC match results achieved in recent decades. Introduced by the reforms of 1978 a linear projection are the Chinese economy real growth of GDP up to 6 400 billion by the year 2025. This figure is based on the acceptance of the absence of natural disasters and internal social to support development errors and access to energy resources. This growth created an increase in foreign reserves. In 2005, these reserves had exceeded $800 billion. Following the Japan China and how that has invested a substantial part of these reserves Japan in US Treasury bills. Today, China and the largest donor to the budget deficit with Japan and the oil monarchies of the Gulf. This grip causes concern to the American neo-conservatives, to identify China as an evil empire. In addition, two Chinese colonels formulate in her book "The war out of range", the idea that war does not necessarily military. In fact, our company is very fragile and the collapse of financial markets can be as bad as a bloody war. In addition, it is to point out that there no model that is adapted from the Chinese macroeconomics. Models that work, be not the same results by China. For example, can be noted that the increase in the taxes on the container, is a measure, not the expected result obtained growth in double figures, by the Government on the slowdown as exports have increased, even though they are more expensive. The research of China China achieved considerable results in the field of research. Space tests are only the most spectacular presentation of this phenomenon. China has shown that it a separate tap the ability to destroy a satellite voluntarily. The European researchers began increasingly work in laboratories the energy of China Chinese modernization and growth related to the availability of energy resources and raw materials. Influence on these two aspects and further will influence strategic decisions of this country in the future. VR China is currently diversified in several primary sources in the energy production: the higher the quota followed by oil (23%), hydroelectric energy (7%), natural gas (3%) and deposits of nuclear energy (1%) finally provided by miners (67%). Growth results in a greater dependence of energy sources. Even though the availability of coal could continue to constant import of oil increases up to 80% in the year 2025. Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said, that this energy deficiencies the limiting factors for social and economic development in China, which will adopt a strategy of sustainable development for energy resources. The people's Republic of China has a strategic reserve of petroleum products in 2004 to reach an autonomy of 90 days of security of supply by 2015 with the forecast. The lack of logistical infrastructure and distribution slows down to achieve this objective. Therefore, China, remains for the time being with regard to the supply of external energy sources. The research of new energy resources China urged two strategic expansion paths. The option country sui old road silk, in the regions of Central Asia. The goal is the establishment of a transcontinental pipeline to China, then leads to the Japan and South Korea the oil resources of the Caspian Sea. This infrastructure in the Court of Auditors to improve performance with the Russian Federation and in agreement with the other nations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, allows pump in China 30 million tonnes of crude oil each year. In addition, China should that Iran by the "group of Shanghai" against the US strategy in Central Asia, such as the Iran offers 30% of the oil to China. The marine option is more articulated and takes place in the South China Sea. It is the primary goal of Beijing, is connected to the annexation of Taiwan. The area is rich in natural resources, especially on the Spratlys and the Paracel Islands. For the control of oil resources and their routing the Chinese want to protect against the risk of a blockade. In this perspective, land are generally the Chinese efforts in the direction of the Constitution points to protect supply routes.The "large pieces" is the construction of the Chinese port Gwadar, West of Pakistan. It is located just 400 km from the Strait of Hormuz. The site have almost 500 Chinese and China has funded 80% of the $248 million of this new commercial harbour in deep water. The Pentagon called a "string of pearls" China slowly mounted in the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf to the Strait of Malacca. In annex 2, it will be map of Asia, with red point "Pearls" policy. Chittagong (Bangladesh), have received the Chinese their military and merchant marine. In Myanmar, aid the Chinese brought several billion dollars for the Burmese junta de facto military alliance create in. In this state that the Chinese have always as a vassal (such as in Indochina, in fact), buildings it multiple ports. Electronic listening station Coco Iceland was built on the Burmese island of the great and a small naval base is checked, the pier is already integrated. From there it's all maritime traffic of the Strait of Singapore, Indian maritime activities, including their zone rocket test Chandipore, which can be controlled effectively. In addition a road and rail link associated with a 1200 km pipeline, link the Burmese coast to China Yunnan province, the access to the Chinese in the Bay of Bengal. The work is already in the Chinese courts side with the construction of a road between Kunming, capital of the province of Yunnan and Shewli on the Sino Burmese border. This road to Sinkiang in Myanmar later go where a river port will allow transfer to barges on the navigable river Irrawady to the port of Yangon, South of Sittwe. A real revolution: China direct access to the Indian Ocean. The choice is a good idea, as were Myanmar, the street of Malacca, is placed by the Chinese or Japanese oil, of 80% and 56% of the entire world in bulk (coal, ores, oil) passing. 1000 Km and its narrowest part of the only 20 nautical miles wide, the road is with pirates, the activity of which is booming (400 sailors killed in 2004) attack. China has led different exercises under the guise of combating terrorism. Parallel the Burmese projects, China isthmus, which separates the northern and southern Thailand is active, more interested in, in the South on the KRA. The construction of the "channel of Asian Panama' (48 km) would escape the Strait of Malacca. It is an old idea (the first plans the 16th century), but traffic congestion and the uncertainty over the Strait of Malacca against the order of the day. The cost of the project is estimated at between 20 and 28 billion dollars. A thin case against Chinese trade surplus of $100 billion in 2005, triple in 2004.