The military strategy outlined in the white paper
An updated and reaffirmed to strengthen the freedom of action of the France military strategy.
Military strategy described in the white paper is essential to strengthen
the freedom of action of the France.
It is part of an overall strategy of defence and national security
beyond the framework of the only defence policy and involving
closely to other public policies: Homeland Security and emergency management
principal conductor, but also diplomatic and economic policy.
• Five strategic functions
Military strategywill be implemented is an essential component of
This comprehensive strategy articulated around five broad strategic functions: the
knowledge and anticipation, prevention, deterrence, protection and
• Two major features
The France military means should avoid dispersion to be able to act
how picked up and focus on places where its interests can be implemented
issue. The France response capacities must therefore enter into a
logic of concentrationon geographical priorities.
The uncertainty in the international environment shows that the commitment of the France
in a war between States should still be considered. The definition of
sizing the France intervention capacities must therefore take into
account for 15 years to come, the hypothesis of a heavy commitment.
• A strategic priority
The strategic focus of the France marries risk contours more
high Atlantic sea Oman and the Indian Ocean, in which
Asia presence extensions are possible.
• Determinants
Without exception, all our military operations will take place in a framework
multinational. Interoperability with allies remain the first condition of
collective operation.
Predictable operations will be expected to last and over time, to evolve
deeply. These two factors, changing over time, diversity in the moment
require for a versatile and responsive, response capacity
able to conduct the full range of operations.
Force protection
Future operations will be less dangerous than before, on the contrary.
The losses incurred by a quota on a theatre deep influence
on the perception that the nation of the operation, protect forces will be
only a human imperative but also a strategic and tactical necessity.
Operations occur more and more in contact with the population, which is
both the environment and the issue. Operate within the population, is a culture
extended military and material adapted; armies will therefore develop their ability to
and their expertise in this area.
Men and moral forces
Formation of the warfighter, its level of training, the legitimacy of its action, the
clarity of the objectives assigned to it, will more than ever the success condition
on the ground. The human factor will therefore retain a major It will be
of the moral force units facing combat.
Even for armies developed all the qualifications above, the number
will remain an important determinant of most operations that take place on
Sea, on land or in the air.
• Operational superiority.
The France retain control technology to guarantee superiority
task facing the plausible opponents.
The axes of effort will focus on:
-the means of information, communication, space;
-the protection of forces, facing the CBRN threat and the "news".
-the ability to remotely; precision strike
-the ability to act in urban areas and in contact with the population;
-the naval superiority in the littoral;
-the air superiority
-the mobility.
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