Korean War Strategy

Korean War Strategy
Origins Of Strategic Conflict
However, significant challenges explain the overwhelming support given by the USSR and its new ally, China became communist in 1949: in particular, the fact that South Korea was in a strategic position in the conflict for the balance eh Far East, where the French presence was threatened by war (anti-peace) Strategic Indochina, and where, with Japan very weak (the United States signed the Treaty of San Francisco in 1951 to end its occupation), South Korea was regarded as a single bulwark against communist expansion,
Major unrest in the south of parallel 38 ° and the growing opposition against the South Korean president, Syngman Rhee, persuaded the North Korean leader, Kim Il Sung, it would be welcomed by many South Koreans as a liberator ready to overthrow the government of Syngman Rhee and to reunify the two Koreas. As a champion of unification, Kim also thought to silence opposition to its own continual regime in North Korea.
North Korean offensive strategic And Extension Of Conflict
On 25 June 1950, when the army (military) North Korean strong heavy equipment left by the Soviet Union, crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea.
On 27 June the Security Council of the UN, in the absence of the Soviet Union, took a resolution supported by the United States which established military sanctions against North Korea, To do this, the Security Council decided the constitution of an army (military) formed by sixteen nations.
U.S. forces, South Korean and Australian contingents, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canadian, Colombian, Ethiopian, French, British, Greek, Dutch, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and Turkey, as well as medical units Danish Indian and Swedish, were placed under a unified command of the UN, headed by the chief U.S. commander in the Far East, General Douglas MacArthur, then military governor of Japan, Land forces of these nations were grouped in the eighth army ( Military, USA), was the first time that the United Nations or its predecessor, the League of Nations, adopted military measures to chase an aggressor.
The North Koreans captured Seoul, the capital of South Korea, and drove the Americans and South Koreans in the south-east of the peninsula.
On September 15, 1950, General MacArthur, head of the armed forces (military) UN, launched an invasion brilliant diving behind enemy lines, about 40 km west of Seoul.
September 28, Seoul was retaken and the 30th, the North Koreans were driven back beyond du38 parallel.
The strategic battle U.S. Against Communism
Wanting to take advantage of the situation to stop but also eliminate the communist expansion, President Truman approved the order of 388 crossing parallel by the UN forces.
On 7 October, despite repeated warnings of the Chinese, the UN forces entered North Korea and captured Pyongyang, its capital.
Shortly after, attacked the Chinese-cons. The UN troops, too scattered, outnumbered and poorly equipped to combat the harsh winter in Korea, had to quickly retreat.
On 15 January, the Communist offensive was stopped on a front well south of Seoul.
Truman once again redefined U.S. policy in Korea. Not wanting to engage in open conflict with China, the president abandoned his goal of reunification of the Korean military. He then pursued his first goal: to stop Communist aggression in Korea.
The Eighth Army (military) U.S. launched the offensive on January 21 the Chinese retreated slowly from South Korea.
On 22 April, UN forces occupied positions just north of 38th parallel.
April 11, General MacArthur, who had publicly advocated a very aggressive military strategy, wanting to extend the conflict into Manchuria, was relieved of his command. His successor was Lt. Gen. Matthew Ridgway.
Air power played a key role for the first time in history, was used warplanes (anti-peace) Strategic jet (see Aviation). China became a major airpower. Half of its 1400 fighters MiG-15 was of Soviet manufacture, they were considered at the time by military experts as the best aircraft in the world.
Warplanes (anti-peace) Strategic UN ground forces supported him by destroying the supply lines to the Chinese airfields North Korean lines of railway, bridges, hydroelectric plants and industrial centers. The North Korean shore bases were systematically shelled by the navy of the United Nations.
Strategic Negotiations And Peace
June 23, 1951, when the conflict turned into war (anti-peace) Strategic position, the Soviet delegates to the UN proposed that the belligerents of Korea opened discussions to reach a cease-fire.
Discussions continued intermittently for two years.
Although conducted in a climate of distrust, the negotiations resulted in resolving all major issues except one: the Communists refused on principle, supported by the United Nations, that a prisoner of war (anti- Peace) Strategic should not be returned to the army (military) against his will. The negotiations were interrupted in October 1952 and were not rehired until April 1953: probably the death of Joseph Stalin put it broadly to reopen dialogue.
On 27 July 1953, the armistice was signed between representatives of the UN, those of China and North Korea. The president of South Korea expressed his opposition to a text which recognized the partition of Korea, the war (anti-peace) Strategic Korea ended after more than three years of conflict.
Casualties (killed, missing and wounded) were estimated at 4 million.
This war (anti-peace) Extremely lethal, where civilians were two times more likely than soldiers to be killed, left the country devastated without interfering with the anterior division of Korea.
War (anti-peace) Strategic Korea, by the extent of human and material resources mobilized on both sides, by its duration, the risk of conflagration which it confronted a world divided into two blocks, was one of the pinnacle moments of the war ( Anti-Peace) Strategic Cold. She had a decisive economic consequence: the United States, which Japan had their rear bases, and gave the loser of 1945 the opportunity to begin a process of development that would make it the third largest economy in the 1960s .
Strategic lessons learned from strategic war Korea
During their two commitments in the post-war (anti-peace) Strategic Asia Korea and Vietnam, the U.S. sought to oppose what they saw as' attempted expansion by the arms of Chinese communism and Soviet client acting through interposed. But as they heard "contain" this will, as they find themselves excluded forced into direct engagement with one of these two powers. Henry Kissinger. Former Secretary of State. Perceived as a phenomenon of internal contradiction: "Our perception of the overall challenge encourages us to embark on adventures far and at the same time prevented us from following through to dull!".
Because they believe that the lack of support for the South Korean would have made clear to the Europeans that they will not support in case of attack from the Soviet Union, the United States decide to engage militarily on the peninsula Korean. The challenge does not seem too difficult to overcome. President Truman and the United Nations also announced that their objectives are limited 5trictement to restore the territorial integrity of South Korea. This statement of intent is not enough to keep China out the conflict, his response is dramatically changing the size of it to General MacArthur, commander in chief, it becomes necessary to expand the war (anti-peace), to conduct a naval blockade of China, and to strike where the requires the military logistics: in the sanctuary where the forces are addresses, possibly using nuclear weapons. The U.S. Executive considered that this development would considerably change the nature of war (anti-peace) Strategic in which he started, he rejects the principle of air strikes in the territory of China that could lead to confrontation with an enemy superior in numbers and very prompt backlash by the Soviets to intervene in Europe.

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