How to respond to disruptive information?

Life comes to a surprise, certainty loose you and you don't know what to do, either a friend that walks oddly, a child shameful questions or your last reading that leaves you a bitter taste. This text proposes to you to guide you through novelty, the shocking and the unknown. Most importantly, it will help you to not lose contact with the other but also to avoid falling under the influence of dangerous groups. Let's assume that you have read, assisted or learned something shocking to your certainty but also those of the social group to which you belong. The first rule is to learn the identity of the author of this theory or the origin of the phenomenon. From here, it is up to you to decide if you continue or if it seems devoid of interest or too dangerous for you because ignorance is often the best protection against the rigours of life. This preliminary work nevertheless allows you to identify the ideology or the nature of what you are interested and you can already draw lines of security not to cross first. Open mind is a great interest but do not take the risk of too the pollute so far. Warning I yourself too fast to tell about you or to seek help because your reputation may suffer. Remember that the discounts in question are poorly views, yet, you are confused, curious, worried, angry... If you you in open wrong, you may be classified, labelled a certain tendency for an indeterminate time. but be aware that it is often the lot of those who seek, then a choice must be made but frustration could chew you. Method Point method This fact, rethink, read, remember or look again at what threw you into great disorder. In this context of flat, the ideal is to identify 3 or 4 points controls possible because if the full verification is often impossible, smart probe blows on key specific points or points of failures is entirely within the reach of all everyone not only through the Internet. Method of sources Well after having isolated these 3 or 4 points, gather maximum information from as diverse sources as possible and if possible contradictory tendencies. Look if these sources are of different trends and independent, sometimes all his sources eventually be derived from a single source that they have copied! (circular sourcing). After synthesis of your information, you can then see whether new facts, interpretations or new evidence or even lies to one side or the other. To insist? If all the selected facts are new, or select other and redo work, or give up. Indeed, to share highly specialized disciplines or reduced and local events, you will not meet never or almost a revolutionary theory based on which no one has ever heard about. Therefore, with 99% certainty and even more if the second selection gives the same results and the origin is foireuse or questionable, let! Otherwise, you may have a scoop or found a novelty, so go to the next stage. In all versions of the facts, try to determine consensus objectives items (date, size, number, nature,...), even create competing couples or families to classify your event or your theory. If neither dates nor identities, places or other don't match, I strongly advise you stop car, or the text is just neat and little rigorous in which case its value is questionable or it is really an attempt to gross manipulation and the powder in the eyes to the other goal. What is the trend of the text and/or the author? Life comes to a surprise, certainty loose you and you don't know what to do, either a friend that walks oddly, a child shameful questions or your last reading that leaves you a bitter taste. This text proposes to you to guide you through novelty, the shocking and the unknown. Most importantly, it will help you to not lose contact with the other but also to avoid falling under the influence of dangerous groups. The jump method The last step is to extract a paragraph at the beginning, one third, one half, one two-thirds and finally read the last paragraph. Do so, jump without fear from one to the other and choose to chance. The goal is to feel there is an evolution of the tone, ideas, opinions or the language of the text. Indeed, the introduction may be bait and the ins and outs of the text will be lost in the mass. Of course, should be lucky to fall on it by chance but you still spot a break and even conclusions can be truncated, for those who read only the introduction and the end. Do we hide not, some people actually write with a devilish quality and are much less tedious than me. If after these four tests, everything seems normal, it would well seem that you have dégotté something interesting and I would encourage you to continue but with caution! Here, you can begin to talk about but I advise you to do so only partially, query and with many people selected. Dig the subject, do you document but never forget that an opinion, a theory or a story will never replace a life lived and that all these stories, without exception, are often a mask of convenience without real significance, it's just a cache-misère. What to do? Now that you have persisted, you have perhaps found something but what do? If it's really nine or explosive, ask you about the consequences of publication and see if a median or amicable solution would be preferable even amnesia. If you feel important to continue, no matter what your motivation, take care to you and if the glory matter you, do it as anonymously as possible because nobody requires you to take unnecessary risks. Frustrated living is often better than famous hospitalized or famous and dead. Synthetic test: Who is the author? What is its political tendency? Say to people in its tendency and tell him his opponents? The three or four selected facts randomly exist, the dates and places are consistent? Have you spotted a breach of tone in the article or book? This articles sources or sources citing the facts are varied and independent or are circular? Blog de géostratégie et de géopolitique en rapport avec les problèmes sécuritaires des nations, le développement économique, l'Actualité, l'Histoire du monde, les conflits en l’Europe, Amérique, Asie, Afrique, et leurs enjeux stratégiques.