Installation of the binary weblogic
The preparation
To begin with, it must create an application subdirectory and assign a size or not (either by working on local disks, amount a dedicated disk either in amount of networks drives type NAS or SAN), the minimum size is 1 Gb, the recommended size is 3 Gb + 2 times the size of memory that will be allocated to the Managed Server applications.
If no this version weblogic installation has been made, it must also create a subdirectory system to install the binary Weblogic that will be used, size of the order of 5 Gbytes if it is wishes to maintain 3 or 4 versions Weblogic at the same time, it is not recommended to have more than 3 concurrent versions, for reasons of maitnenance, inertia, monitoring of compatibility but also to discipline with rigorous and regular technology monitoring.
If you let slip this part, it must be remembered that most expected to migrate to higher version, it is expensive, more on lost expertise on the product but also the problems of security and support contract are beginning. Legacy systems are expensive formats because they can even block of hardware migration, or, worse yet, by obsolete standards freeze priority migration of databases and prevent the installation of more modern applications.
Think also about the rights and users.
More secure, it is to have a user application and a user for Weblogic, but which share the same group.
/ usr/app /weblogic weblogic.ver : user = weblogic : group = wls
/weblogic_app /application : user = "app name": group = wls
I also recommend to avoid any name that is longer than 8 characters, limited special characters to "-", "_" and of all denominations in a standardized manner.
Install Weblogic
The first things is to make a registration on the Oracle website and then go download the binary form:
The version which we are concerned is that for Unix or Linux but this is also for Windows.
Accept license terms and then click the correct link:
UNIX is separated into two parts, Solaris or HP, the "bin" extension is for Solaris and the "jar" for the HP;Linux is also an extension "bin".
It also already reflect on two essential issues:
Allocation policy of the ports of the administration console, the Managed Server, the Node Manager but the DB connections
Policy deployment of your applications to distribute sound between consoles, but also between the Manager Server to optimize the use of resources but also to limit impacts installations, updates or various reboots.
Installation of the binary weblogic
Put your binary on the server in/usr/app/weblogic/binary
Make it executable by the order: chmod + rwx filename
Then run the .bin file and place your installation in/usr/app/weblogic/weblogic_version
The Weblogic domain installation
Go to your weblogic installation, as for example:
< WL_HOME > / web ** / common/bin
Type:./ - mode = console
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
-> 1|Create a new WebLogic domain
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
-> 1|Choose Weblogic Platform components
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
Available Templates
|_____WebLogic Server (Required) x
Simply "Enter"
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
Configures Administrator Username and Password:
Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development
mode servers.
| Name . Value |
1| ** User name: . weblogic |
2| ** User password: | *********** |
3| ** Confirm user password: | *********** |
4| Description: . Administrator founder.
This screen above is very important, choose well the password of your user of creation as it is very difficult to change and already think about the other users that you create to not use this profile in day to day, it is the equivalent of the "root" machine.
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
Domain Configuration Mode:
Enable Development or Production Mode for this domain.
-> 1|Development Mode
2|Production Mode
I advise here, except for developers to "2", Production Mode as turn a Weblogic Server in rational, stable, optimized and efficient way in Development Mode is not very rational. If for one reason or another had been to ask for application in "Development Mode" servers, it's that there are concerns of development which could not be resolved and if you accept, you live long with but also that a lot of irrational elements will take place during the life of this server.
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
Java SDK Selection:
-> 1|Sun SDK 1.6.0_05 @ / usr/app/bea/wl10mp3/jdk160_05
2|Other Java SDK
In this case, either you leave the default value, or choose your own mode of distribution of JAVA version.If you choose your own mode of distribution, I suggest to put here not a path but well a (command "ln - s") link to allow a change without modification of configuration but by simple reboot. For example, put your JAVA under/usr/app/weblogic/JAVA.
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
Choose Configuration Option:
** Do you want to modify any of the preconfigured settings or defaults in your template?
** To keep the default or template settings, and proceed directly to name and create your domain, leave No selected.
-> 2|No.
Here is your choice, either you shorten and install as what and you will configure the rest in the config.xml or via the console or while you set your domain more finely. Personally, I advise to choose "1", the Yes because you have not yet set the port of your console and do not choose it from here may prevent you from the start, simply.
<------------------------------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------------------------>
Configure RDBMS Security Store Options:
Create the RDBMS tables in your datastore prior to booting your domain. The scripts for use by your DBA are in WebLogic
Server's server/lib directory. Click Next to keep the template settings or bypass RDBMS options.
->1|I don't want to change anything here.
2|I want to create, change, or remove RDBMS support.
Si vous avez des spécifications spéciales, faites-le mais, autrement, le choix par défaut fonctionne très bien.
<------------------------------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------------------------>
Configure the Administration Server:
Enter adminstration server configurations. Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The
Administration Server hosts the Administration Console which is used to perform administrative tasks.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | AdminServer |
2| Listen address: | All Local Addresses |
3| Listen port: | 7001 |
4| SSL listen port: | N/A |
5| SSL enabled: | false |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "Name"
2 - Modify "Listen address"
3 - Modify "Listen port"
4 - Modify "SSL enabled"
Encore un élément vital, surtout le Listenport qui sera votre port d’accès à la console.
Tip: If you do not plan to use SSL (beware, if you want SSL, it will need manage certificates!), don't touch nothing of the parties (4) and (5). For more security, it is better to be in SSL but if you have some Webservers and the Firewall, this layer of security is likely to be a supernumerary layer and therefore ikl will need, more track security at the level of the certificate (and also, often, pay for certificates).
Here be sure to effective management of the ports policy and declare them in shared documentation because it can only use a single one port per server.
For item (2), put "localhost", the IP of the server or a virtual choice but an element recognized by all stakeholders to interact with this server.
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
Configures Managed Servers:
Add or delete configuration information for Managed Servers. A typical production environment has one or more Managed
Servers. Each Managed Server is an instance of WebLogic Server used to host enterprise applications.
| Name | Listen address. Listen port. SSL listen port. SSL enabled.
Optional but may be pleasant to already create them before even starts.
Note idem for SSL, IP and Ports.
Can create here as many Managed Server that is desired but should then be (5), Done to open the menu creation/modification, "Enter" returns to the next step.
<------------------------------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------------------------>
Configure Clusters:
Add or delete configuration information for clusters. A cluster contains multiple WebLogic Server instances that run
simultaneously and work together to provide increased scalability and reliability. A cluster appears to be a single
WebLogic Server instance to clients.
| Name* | Multicast address | Multicast port | Cluster address |
Si vous désirez créer un cluster ou non, « Enter » n’active pas la fonction cluster mais vous pourrez le configurer par après si désiré.
<------------------------------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------------------------>
Configure Machines:
Add or delete machines. A machine hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances. The Admin Server and Node Manager use this
machine definition to start remote servers.
| Name* | Node manager listen address | Node manager listen port |
A utiliser si vous communiquez avec des machines sous Linux ou Windows pour les Managed Server, autrement passez au point suivant
<------------------------------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------------------------>
Configure Unix Machines:
Add or delete machines. A machine hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances. The Admin Server and Node Manager use this
machine definition to start remote servers.
| Name |
Si vous Managed server sont installés sous UNIX, donnez ici un nom
<------------------------------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------------------------>
Configure Unix Machines:
Add or delete machines. A machine hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances. The Admin Server and Node Manager use this
machine definition to start remote servers.
| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | Nom choisi |
2| Post bind GID enabled: | false |
3| Post bind GID: | nobody |
4| Post bind UID enabled: | false |
5| Post bind UID: | nobody |
6| Node manager listen address: | localhost |
7| Node manager listen port: | 5556 |
Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "Name"
2 - Modify "Post bind GID enabled"
3 - Modify "Post bind GID"
4 - Modify "Post bind UID enabled"
5 - Modify "Post bind UID"
6 - Modify "Node manager listen address"
7 - Modify "Node manager listen port"
GID = groupname UNIX, UID =username UNIX
Pour le reste, même remarque que pour le reste, cet élément est un des conforts de Weblogic car il permet de gérer une partie du logging mais surtout de garder vivantes vos applications même sans la console ou de redémarrer automatiquement vos applications dans la majorité des cas de crash.
Les valeurs (2) et (4) sont sur un esprit boolean, il faut les mettre sur « true »
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
Assign Servers to Machines:
Assign each WebLogic Server instance to the machine on which it runs.
|_____Unix Machine
Here you can attach your Node Manager to your Managed Server but this may be done through the console also posteriori.
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
Select the target domain directory for this domain:
"Target Location" = [Enter value new or use default ' / usr/app/weblogic/wl10mp3/user_projects/domains "]
Necessarily, an element to avoid mistaken because almost irreparable and, worse still, if wrong, the installation will crash and need to start all over again.
Enter for example: / usr/app/weblogic_app
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
Edit Domain Information:
| Name . Value |
1| ** Name: | base_domain |
A way curious to present things because this is going to name your domain but also install it under a subdirectory with the same name under the chosen directory previously, this will give your "N_HOME area".
Simply type your name contracted or non-application but as simple and short as possible and without special character, except "-"or "_".""
This will create/usr/app/weblogic_app/application, if this directory already exists, it must be empty.
<-oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard >
Creating Domain...
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
And, your domain is to install, wait that all is finished and then proceed to following configuration section.
Your Weblogic domain, before first startup configuration
Go to your DOMAIN_HOME
Type: "vi".
Made "ESC" i to edit/insert in the file mode.
username = weblogic
""password ="password chosen."
Then made "ESC": wq to create your file
This created an initialization file of your domain based on the root decided during installation. No panic for the safety at the first start, Weblogic will encrypt this file and it will become unreadable except for this specific console therefore editing this file learn more to anyone and his hand to crack the system is unnecessary because is only a copy of security.
Although can restore previous versions but can not initialize it that only once, for the rest, only a total relocation allows to choose another password if it has forgotten the old.
Then do:
mkdir logs
mkdir config_app
Now, go to the bin subdirectory and edit the file:
CD bin
Under DOMAIN_HOME, insert the following lines:
DATE_NOW ='date +'%Y%m%d "
DIR_LOG = "$ {DOMAIN_HOME} /logs"
If you do not use Point Base, you can eliminate all the lines between:
# Start PointBase
echo "***************************************************"
echo "** To start WebLogic Server, use a username and" *"
Now, go to the end of the file and edit the second $< JAVA_HOMME > as follows by adding the elements in bold:
nohup ${JAVA_HOME} / bin/java -Dapplication_Port_Adminserver ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS} - Dweblogic .name =$ {SERVER_NAME}-d-
Java.Security.policy=${WL_HOME}/server/lib/WebLogic.policy ${PROXY_SETTINGS} ${SERVER_CLASS} > ${DIR_LOG} / nohup_AdminServer_$ { }
{DATE_NOW} .log 2 > & 1 &
The nohup allows you to have a single JAVA process instead of two and make this independent of your session, and then name your process the last part reroute your console log in a file in < DOMAIN_HOME > /logs and give a versioning by date.
Now, go back to < DOMAIN_HOME > and type ./
This will launch pourla first time your Weblogic console, encrypt the and complete the config.xml.
If you type " ps-fu user", you will see that to manage your process that greatly facilitates the work that to have "taggé."
Node Manager configurations
We will start with the most simple local Node eat.
Go to the dedicated subdirectory:
< DOMAIN_HOME >/bin/nodemanager
Currently, there is a single file, need to go in the Weblogic installation recover a file in the subdirectory: / usr/app/weblogic/weblogic_ver/web ** / server/bin
Copy: in < DOMAIN_HOME >/bin/nodemanager
Make it executable chmod + rwx
Edit this file:
NODEMGR_HOME must be the current location of your domain nodemanager equivalent to < DOMAIN_HOME >/bin/nodemanager.
Turn the script. /
When you see the following line, you can stop it (CTRL + C or CTRL + Z with subsequent kill of the process):
< May 22, 2009 12: 24: 56 PM > < INFO > < Secure socket listener started on port 5556 >
At present that the process is stopped, we can edit its configuration:
The key lines to change are:
ListenAddress = server on which the Node Manager runs and decided during installation
ListenPort = Port Node Manager decided during installation
To edit the startup script:
You are going to end the script and add parameters of JAVA_HOME 2 and 3 the following bold:
nohup "$ {JAVA_HOME} / bin/java -DSERV_PORT_APPLICATION_NM" ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS}"${WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.pol
"icy" - Dweblogic .nodemanager .javahome = "$ {JAVA_HOME}"-DListenPort = "$ {LISTEN_PORT}" weblogic.NodeManager - v &
This will now launch the process in memory Node Manager and tagger.
If your Node Manager runs on a different server that one or turn the console, this is not a worry, but you'll also y deploy a binary Weblogic (and therefore pay corresponding licences).
The following additional actions:
Create the file
"ESC" i to insert into the file
Put the URL, the IP, the virtual location or turns the console and éventuellent one or the ca turn your local Node Manager.
"ESC": wq to save and create
After it is imperative to register your Node Manager console.
To return to the installation of the binary Weblogic:
CD /usr/app/weblogic/weblogicversion/web ** / common/bin
Expected that a prompt Vienna (may take between one and twenty minutes depending on the system).
Then type:
Connect ('user', 'password','t3: / / servername: consolePort')
ServerName = IP, DNS, URL,... of the server on which turns the CONSOLE!
Attention to well "t3: / /"!
Now you must link with the nmEnroll command:
And that's it, now you can use it without problems!
At present, we can make our first access to the console.
Configure the Weblogic console
To begin, go in Security Realms/myrealm and create an Administrator user for the current use.
Then push the "Lock and Edit" button to publish configurations.
Then, go to "Environment/Servers" and if you do not use SSL, change the configuration of the Managed Server and the Admin in the Configuration/SSL/Advanced tab and pass the Host Name Verificator in < None >, this will simplify your configuration.
Don't forget to push on "Save" to every change on a different page.
Push the button "Activate Change" when you are finished.
Restart your system and make sure your new user administrative.
Link a Managed Server to a Node Manager to run
Now, link your Managed Server via the menu "Environment/Server" to your Node Manager on the "configuration" tab, then go to "Start Manager" and complete the login/pwd requested at the bottom of your new admin page (if you do not, this will walk but the configuration of the console will degrade with time) and start them on the tab "Control".
You can now begin to deploy your applications.
However don't forget that it is also possible to link your login console to an LDAP system which is a good idea to avoid login/pwd heavy management or to any breach of security does the Manager.
Last note, do not change the password of creation, this can pose very serious problems.
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